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 You've felt it, haven't you?
The frustration of shooting video after video, only to watch them back and realize they don't capture the magic you intended. You've seen others captivate audiences with their storytelling, their moments, their memories—and you've wondered, "How do they do it?"
Today, start learning exactly that with my 22-lesson course based on my best-selling book, How to Shoot Video that Doesn't Suck. Create video that says what you want it to say. Video other people will want to watch.
Watch your first two lessons below.
"Stockman skips past all the technical crap and cuts to the chase.
How do you shoot a video somebody else will want to watch?"
~Â David A. Goodman, Executive Producer
Family Guy and The Orville
Why bother shooting great video? Because nobody watches bad video. Which you know is true, because you won’t watch bad video either. Here's how to change the way you think about video.
We've made the course easy for you. We shot it with a full Hollywood crew and pro cameras. But the exercises can all be done on your smartphone. Here's what you need-- and what you don't-- to shoot video that doesn't suck.

4. Think In Shots
5. Think In Shots II: Video is About People
6. Think In Shots III: Find Your Shot
7. The Complete 5 Minute Guide to Lighting & Sound
8. Location, Location, Location
9. Always Shoot the Ones You Love
10. Everything You Need to Know (Right Now) About Editing
11. The Rubbermaid Rule

12. Entertain or Die
13. Intent: It's Where You're Going
14. How to tell a Video Story
15. How to Storify Everything
16. Fix it in Prepro: The Shotlist
17. Making Marketing Videos Work
18. How to Keep Your Audience Watching
19. How to Shoot the Cutest Kids on Earth: Yours
20. How to Shoot Vacation Video that Won't
Bore People to Death
21. How to Shoot a Holiday Video that Doesn't Suck
22. The Last Word
Watch TWO Free Lessons Right Now
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When you register, you'll also get our weekly(ish) newsletter filled with more ways to shoot great video. Unsubscribe anytime!